New blog, who dis?
I finally came around to build myself a blog.
I had the project in the back of my mind for a few years now. I wrote content on many different platforms over the last 5 years (be it Svbtle, Medium or Twitter), and I wanted to have single place to have it all. My own place. Far from paywalls and annoying marketing banners prompting me to install the damn app.
So this is it! It was a fun process to go back to and re-read my old articles.
This series is about Shawt, a school project I did for my Masters Degree and my first “real” web app. It was a real-time, student-focused classified ads web app. Funnily enough, another application called Shout, a real-time classified ads with a similar looking interface, raised a few millions a year later in San Francisco. Anyway.
This article is my personal favourite. It’s a short biography of, I believe, one of the most intriguing and fascinating person on the planet. Grigori Perelman solved one of Maths greatest mystery, which resisted generations of mathematicians. A $1,000,000 mystery. And he refused the money, and the prize that went along with it.
I also did this series of newsletter-like “weekly roundups”, in which I compiled my favourite talks, articles and libraries of the week. And mind you, most of them are still damn relevant more than one year later!
I’m planning to write about the JAMstack, Web Performance, the React ecosystem and probably other things.
Additionally, I have an interesting Open Source project in the works that I might talk about pretty soon…
Being the organizer of the JAMstack Paris meetup, you can bet that this blog is built on the JAMstack. I used this super-duper-cool “Lumen” Gatsby Starter by Alexander Shelepenok, deployed it on Netlify and write/edit content using the open source Netlify CMS. It’s typeset with IBM Plex, a beautiful, open source typeface released by IBM.
It’s fast, accessible and deployed in a breeze. As my friend Matthieu said in his talk, “the JAMstack is giving developers superpowers”.